Session 1: Play on Words (Theme – Playwriting)
Do you love to dress up in costumes and act out stories? Join us for a week of play-writing, set design, costume-making, acting, and more!
Session 2 (Full Day): Whimsical Words (Theme - Reading & Writing)
During this short week, we bring it back to the basics: we read, we write, and we have a great time.
Session 2 (Morning Only): Whimsical Words (Theme - Reading & Writing)
This option is only for children who participate in the Leitzel Center’s half day KEEPERS camp. Campers will spend the morning with the Camp Pageturner crew at the CLC and be walked to KEEPERS Camp at 12:00pm.
Session 3: YIP, YIP, Hooray! (Theme - Inventing)
Collaboration with the Leitzel Center! What will you invent? Staff from the Robert H. Rines Young Inventors' Program (YIP) will join us as we develop ideas, solve problems, build inventions, and present our projects!
Session 4: GLOBE-al Nature Writers (Theme – Environment)
Collaboration with the Leitzel Center! Join us as we partner with GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment), an international program that promotes scientific literacy and builds connections between people passionate about the environment. We will explore areas like College woods as we conduct experiments, collect data, and share with a global community of environmental scientists and scientists-to-be.
Session 5: Write, Camera, Action (Theme – Film)
At Write, Camera, Action, we will spend the week making a movie. You will learn about writing a screenplay, producing a film, and more! On the last day of camp, we’ll have our own screening.
Session 6: Mathemagicians (Theme – Math & Magic)
Collaboration with the Leitzel Center! Dust off your top hat and magic wand - math and magic go hand-in-hand. Join us for fun open-ended math tasks, math-related magic, and creating our own magic show.