This program cycles through a variety of fun-filled science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) topics, which may include activities such as: forensic science, circuit-building, the science of sound, kitchen science, freshwater ecology and more! All of these topics are explored through collaborative, hands-on activities. Each day is a new adventure! Open to all levels of experience. Lead Teacher: Cathy Goodwin
Body Builders - Have you ever wondered how the human body works? In this camp, students will embark on a deep dive into learning about several body systems and organs. They’ll combine their new anatomy and physiology knowledge with art and electrical engineering to create functional models of several body systems, interconnecting them to “build” a body! If you like anatomy, Arduinos, or just learning how things work, this is the camp for you! Lead Teacher: Sydney Rollins
Perceptive Plushies - What would your toys do if they could react to stimuli on their own? If your teddy bear were to see bright light, would it avert its eyes? Would your stuffed platypus smack its tail if the room got too hot? In this exciting project you will explore robotics, first in more traditional forms and then by animating stuffed animals to react to biosensors, using hobbyist computers to bring them to life! Students will learn about robotics using sensors and animatronics in this project through a variety of fun, hands-on activities. Lead Teacher: Howard Eglowstein.
Zoom Lens - Microscopes enable us to visualize the hidden world around us. Imagine being able to turn your own cell phone into a handheld microscope! Antonie van Leeuweknhoek was a microscopist who was the first to observe bacteria and protozoa. In this project you will explore Leeuwenhoek microscopes and make a prototype of your own with custom-made lenses that attach to your phone. This will involve 3D modeling and 3D printing your designs to turn your phone into a high-magnification custom microscope! Lead Teacher: Dr. Mark Scimone.